Breathe With Us

What are you thinking right this very minute? Stop! Just for a moment.
Ask yourself, where is my breath? What are my thoughts telling me? Watch. Listen carefully. Your thoughts are you. Your body is your mind. In many cases, pain is caused by the brain which will shut down blood oxygen supply to a certain area in the body causing pain in order to protect you from feelings that are internal in which the brain considers to be too painfu and dangerous, for one to handle. The brain wants to distract us from the physical pain. This idea and many others come from Dr. Sarno who has healed many people from debilitating diseases. We incorporate his ideas into our Breath, Brain-based work.
Health and Well-being can be yours. Give yourself knowledge and experience by coming to our workshops. Discover the latent power which passionately wants to embrace you. Experience a profound peace that will bring out your joy.
Perform a loving aspect of yourself by breathing diaphragmically, consciously and slowly. Begin to master your autonomic nervous system, your health, and your life.
We focus on three things: How we breathe and move. How we eat. How we think.
When we refer to the body we are referring to the body-mind as one.
Diaphragmatic Breathing lifts your mood, increases your energy, improves your digestion, and brings you into awareness of how your mind activity changes when the way you breathe changes.
Diaphragmatic Breathing gives you an opportunity to explore your feelings and examine your thinking patterns. It helps you to correct distorted thinking.
Breath is Sound. Experience inner sound and how sound vibrates the cells thus comforting painful areas. The Vagus Nerve (the longest nerve in your body) is connected to the vocal chords. By using our breath as sound, we create a comfort zone for painful areas.
Prolonged periods of stress depress the immune system. Slowing down our breath strengthens the immune system.
Breath heals your connection with yourself.
Your body is the outward manifestation of your consciousness (intelligence)
and your brain activity.
Amazing neurological and scientific discoveries are unveiled in our workshops.
Remember; our cells are constantly humming, vibrating, dancing. Let's free ourselves up from the restrictions of poor breathing habits rejuvenating our being.
Come breathe with us.
“No bird soars too high if she soars with her own wings,” William Blake
Coming to our workshops, you will learn to soar like the birds.
You will discover, you are the master of your own ship.
Therapy in a Nutshell
Parasympathetic Response: Train your Nervous System to turn off Stress. (Anxiety Skills #11)
Our nervous system has two parts-the sympathetic(activating, alerting (anxious) part) and the Parasympathetic part (calming, relaxing, restoring part). This video explains a few other ways to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system in order to manage anxiety.
Therapy in a Nutshell, and the information provided by Emma McAdam, is solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.